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Our Story

About Walls to Inspire 

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Our Mission

“Creating Inspiring Vertical Landmarks

through our commitment to high quality product standards,

sustainable green innovative technology and dedicated customer service.”

Russian-Korean and educated in the United States and Europe I bring my passion for marketing and international business experience to this business partnership of Miami Vertical Garden Inc., established in July 2013.

Having two Master Degrees: MBA (University of Colorado at Denver, CO, USA); M.Phil. Marketing (Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands) and being a professional marketer with 15 year corporate marketing experience, marketing consulting and franchising in such brands as Pizza Hut and KFC between Russia, Kazakhstan and United Arab Emirates, my successful transition to the real estate industry as Broker Associate within the leading Coldwell Banker Brand became a logical career step with my relocation to Miami in 2010. Throughout my career I have worked in the USA, UK, Russia, Kazakhstan, Check Republic, Turkey, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and South Korea. I am fluent in English and Russian.
In July 2013 I together with business partner Irina Kim Sang have launched a new brand Miami Vertical Garden Inc. specializing on design, installation and maintenance of the indoor and outdoor living walls.

While Irina brings the inspiration to the team and sets the business tone with high standards for ethics and customer service I am an experienced landscape industry professional. My professional background stems from 5 years in a Rose import business and 12 years of Landscape Design Business ("Franco’s Gardening LLC", formerly known as "Garibelo Landscaping"). I have a high profile clientele for whom I proved to be irreplaceable landscaper and gardener. My team success is based on expert product knowledge, irrigation systems knowledge, creativity, sophisticated design, logistics skills and high business ethics. I am originally from Colombia and fluent in English and Spanish.
As the Founding Partners, we are passionate about the newest form of art – the Living Walls. We are both committed to supporting the innovative use of the low-impact materials to make a better place. We are dedicated to design, install and maintain living art projects that stand out and inspire. We believe that “Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun.” and Miami is an ideal playground to live this mission.  This is a Story of two Passionate People with Big Dreams...

Our Journey at Glance

In the Press

The book has been published in 2012 featuring 136 projects around the world.  It is available on  Click here to purchase a book
2016 Preferred Partner
American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter Affiliate Member

Walls to Inspire

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